Mercedes-Benz 170 V Roadster (W136)

The Mercedes-Benz W136 170 V was revaled for the first time with the 260 D and 170 H models in the February of 1936 during the 26th Berlin Motro Show. The Mercedes-Benz Type 170 V with its four cylinder petrol engine replaced the Type 170 W15 series. With the same engine capacity of 1,7 liters the new model was more powerfull, more technoligically advanced, and cheaper than it's predecessor.

It's four cylinder, M136, 1,7 liter engine makes 38 HP, and the top speed of the car is 108 km/h. At the begining, it's four-speed manual gearbox was synchronised only on the two highest gears. In the two seater roadster, behind the seats is a hidden couch - the so called "mother's in law seat". The other stand-out feature is a spare wheel on the trunk's cover.

Mercedes-Benz W136 170 V was revaled for the first time in february of 1936 together with the 260 D and 170 H models during the 26th Berlin International cars and bikes exhibition (IAMA). Mercedes-Benz Type 170 V with it's four cylinder M136 engine replaced the Type 170 W 15 series.

With the same engine capacity of 1,7 liter as in the old model the W136 was more powerfull technologically and stylistically advanced and cheeper than it's predecessor. It's four cylinder engine had 38 HP and it's top speed was 108 km/h. In the begining the four speed gearbox was synconised only on last two gears. In the two seater roadster, at the back, there is a hidden back seat called mother's in law seat. The standout feature of the car (the spare tire) is mounted at the back of the car. The 170V became the most important, pre-war car for the Mercedes-Benz company and provided the manufacture with the lead position in the middle class cars.

The number of cars produced estimated around 70 000 units in different body versions made the 170 V the most popular pre-war Mercedes car. It is also the first pre-war car in the Legends Duda-Cars offer. The car went through the complex restoration process, including mechanical components, the interior of the car, the softtop and the car's bodywork. The restoration took about five years. The car was rebulid in it's original specification.

The car is sold under the VAT margin invoice.

Technical details

Brand Mercedes-Benz
Model Inne
Body type Roadster
Year 1938 r.
Colour Bordowo-biały
Milage 368 km
Engine type M136
Fuel Petrol
Engine power 38 HP
Transmission Manualna, czterobiegowa
Fabric Leather
Doors 3

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